4-way vs 8-way movement
Golden Krone Hotel was initially designed around 4-way movement, but optional 8-way movement was added later. Players often ask if these two ways of movement are balanced and the answer is kind of. Each comes with its own pros and cons.
- You can only be "surrounded" by 4 monsters
- It generally takes longer for enemies to approach you in open areas
- Easier to dodge directional spells
- Firestorm is more advantageous when cast on diagonals
- Likewise, revolver shots are perfectly safe from diagonals
- More directions available to aim spells and therefore a lot more danger from spell casters
- Easier to grab blood pools (same applies to enemy vampires)
- Easier to get past a small number of enemies
- Travel time is slightly reduced in open areas
- Sunlight can be dodged more often