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Vampires are fast and strong fighters, but they have two big weaknesses: sunlight and water. If vampires step over blood, they will drink it to gain health. You can quickly de-escalate a fight with vampires by using a Blood potion and turning vamp yourself.

Grunt: One of the lowliest enemies in the game, but fast.

Devourer: Teleports to and immediately drinks blood.

Hawker: Functions as a shop and is not aggressive (in previous versions, Hawkers had the same aggro mechanics as other vampires).

Brawler: Lumbering vampires that can throw you one tile.

Noble: A high level vampire that will move to blood tiles in the middle of combat to heal.


Humans are fairly slow and weak, but they cast powerful magic. Like most enemies, humans cannot see in the dark. Drinking a Soul Elixir around humans will instantly make them friendly to you.

Mercenary: The weakest human opponent. Casts one of the following Level 1 spells: FIRESTORM, ICE or SHOCK.

Marauder: A stronger and more durable version of the Mercenary. Casts the same Level 1 spells, but with a higher cast rate than Mercenaries.

Hunter: A mid level human that casts ENRAGE.

Artificer: The only human that can become aggressive against human players (if you attack their golems).

Solomonar: A dangerous wizard who casts Level 4 spells. They always know the Glow spell, but also one of the following (which is denoted by their robe color): FIRESTORM, ICE, SHOCK, or HEAL.


Golems are extremely slow, but heavy hitting. Being held together by magical electricity, all golems are healed by the ELECTRIC type. But they are also the only monster type vulnerable to BLAST damage. Golems do not bleed.

Lapis Golem: A basic golem made of lapis lazulithat can prove to be deadly early on if underestimated.

Sunstone Golem: A golem composed of stone that emits sunlight. The radius of the sunlight repeatedly expands outwards and then resets.

IceGolem: Attacks with ICE damage, which can slow you. Ice Golems have poor resistances against SUNLIGHT, WATER, and FIRE.

ElectricGolem: Attacks with ELECTRIC damage.

Ruby Golem: A golem composed of ruby which is far stronger than all others.

MagmaGolem: Attacks with FIRE and healed by FIRE. This high level golem leaves pools of lava in its path.


Bee KillerBee

BabySpider WolfSpider

FieldViper SandViper

RatSoldier RatAssassin

Bat Toad Wolf

Eel Crocodile


Toadstool DeathCapToadstool

Greenmen GreenMan ElderGreenMan


Skeleton GreaterSkeleton


DemonToad DemonViper SteelDemon DemonGhoul DemonBat Imp


Goblin GoblinBomber Moroi Gorgon PrismaticMass Gargoyle Naiad Balaur
