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  • 19:18, 22 October 2021Sewers (hist)[587 bytes]Jeremiah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Sewers are accessible from Floors 3-5. The sewers lead to the River. The Sewers have a 50% chance of appearing each game. In this branch you will find rats, bats, spi...")
  • 18:43, 22 October 2021Baths (hist)[980 bytes]Jeremiah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Baths are accessible from Floors 3-5. This branch has a 50% chance of appearing each game. The Baths contain magical drinking fountains that act as identified, one-time u...")
  • 17:21, 22 October 2021Ice House (hist)[362 bytes]Jeremiah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Ice House is accessible from the Menagerie. Monsters here include ice casting Solomonari, Wolves, Polar Bears, Yetis, and Naiads. The Ice House is a good source of a...")
  • 05:35, 22 October 2021Menagerie (hist)[574 bytes]Jeremiah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Menagerie is accessible from Floors 3-5. It leads to the [Ice House]. Since the staircase to the Ice House is surrounded by a gate that only opens from the inside, it's n...")